Though the options to move are based on x and y offset from an anchor, so hardly intuitive, but better than nothing. Therefore I believe you can only do that with an addon, either a full blown replacement, or as I am currently using Who Framed Watcher Rabbit, which simply adds some additional features, and formatting, including the ability to move it. Re: Moving the Quest Log Unfortunatly the "updates" to it in 3. I just downloaded questhelper and abused it for it's easily movable frame. Re: Moving the Quest Log I gave up trying to find out how to move the default quest tracker in the end. My Videos! Featuring games like Minecraft, WoW, and Overgrowth. I haven't played in 5 months, so I forgot a few things. I know I use to be able to move it, but now I just can't seem to find the option to anymore. It's overlapping my action bars on the side.
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